Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Felecia Pullen

Dr. Felecia Pullen

Dr. Felecia Pullen is a qualitative researcher with an expertise in the application of Critical Race Theory to understand the impact of racialized drug enforcement policies on the ability of people of color to attain recovery capital. She also designs integrated conceptual models to explore the intersection of race, structural racism, and addiction among people of color who use drugs (PoCWUD). Her goal is to establish political, social, economic and health equity for PoCWUD. Her seminal work in the field has been recognized by OASAS, SAMHSA, the CDC and the New York City Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene, Mt. Sinai/REACH and others. She has been deemed one of America’s most noted racial justice and equity experts, activists and advocates.
Dr. Pullen is also the creator and developer of the Mixed Method Recovery Capital Assessment Tool (MRCAT), a digitized product which is used to  standardize the measurement of an individual’s attainment of recovery and negative recovery capital. Her ground-breaking tool is an organic extension of her research, and has been recognized by Peers and industry leaders as the gold standard for recovery capital assessment.
Dr. P.’s expertise, advocacy and activism have elevated her to become one of the most sought after keynotes. She has delivered numerous presentations on health equity, Peer engagement, racial justice and harm reduction, racialized drug policies, the intersection of structural racism and addiction of PoCWUD and she has advised other researchers on Cultural and Racial Responsivity. Due to her recognition in the field, she was twice appointed by NYC Mayors Bill DeBlasio and Eric Adams to New York City’s Municipal Drug Strategy Council, and holds an executive position on the FOR-NY and Let’s Talk SAFETY boards of directors.
Dr. Pullen is the founder, President & CEO of The PILLARS and SAFE in Harlem. Her responsibilities include  financial growth, organizational structure, and program development.  As a policy analyst, she applies her expertise to increase financial equity for small not-for-profits and health equity for people of color. Dr. P’s vision is a world within which everyone has an equitable opportunity to access recovery capital!