RDP Newsletter – February 2020

February 2020 Digital Newsletter Have you ever wondered what it is we do?? So do we! Just kidding…kinda. But seriously, we’re ecstatic to share our roadmap with you! You can access (and…

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NRI Newsletter – January 2020

January 2019 Digital Newsletter Did you know we offer Mentoring? A mentor is an experienced Recovery Community Organization (RCO) leader who can provide guidance for the mentee’s organizational path. He/she…

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Grant Me the Wisdom

For those who believe in the power of prayer, the Serenity Prayer, in its simplicity, serves very well. As we begin a new year and new decade, focus on four…

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“Peerness” is Important

My title for this blog came to me when recalling a presentation by Tom Hill several years ago at an Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO) conference. Tom served for…

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Servant leadership

“A noble leader answers not to the trumpet calls of self promotion, but to the hushed whispers of necessity.” Mollie Marti Servant leadership is a model of leadership that focuses…

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Key Harm Reduction Strategies

Harm reduction isn’t explicitly a pathway of recovery — although some do identify that way — it is however, a health strategy aimed toward reducing the harm associated with drug…

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The Power of Story—in Song

My previous blog, titled The Power of Story came from an idea from reading John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath. He wrote about storytellers and their importance to some semblance of well being in the California camps and the gatherings during the depression, drought, and dust bowls— the…

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Medication-Assisted Recovery: What you need to know

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), or medication-assisted recovery, combined with counseling and behavioral therapies, is an effective pathway to treat substance use disorders and to prevent opioid overdose.  Medication-assisted recovery is now…

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Pathways of Recovery

1 in 10 Americans — an estimated 22 million — live in recovery from substance use disorders. While it’s important to celebrate our stories of recovery, it’s equally important that…

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