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Workforce Multiplier Series: Cohort 1 (Florida Only)

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Date May 31, 2022
Time 10:00 am - 4:30 pm EDT

On a monthly basis, we invite recovery support service providers to join our Workforce Multiplier Series: Cohort 1 to develop and enhance skills and competencies to create a dynamic and empowering peer workforce. Sponsored by the Florida Department of Children and Families this series features a series of four 6.5-hour sessions with subject matter experts. The format for each session includes a comprehensive presentation on the topic including activities to integrate tools and evidence-based practices.

Register once for the entire series; attendance at all 4 sessions is highly encouraged. This is a learning cohort model where participants are encouraged to be engaged in the discussion, ask questions, share your experiences, and learn from your peers.

Please see the descriptions below for more details of each session;

Topic: Compassion Fatigue
Date/Time: May 31, 2022 from 10:00am – 4:30pm EST
Presenter: Laurie Johnson-Wade, Co-Founder of Lost Dreams Awakening Recovery Community Organization
Description: Compassion Fatigue is real and prevalent for those working in the human services field or any other role that is focused on caring for others. It is now considered an organizational contagion. Its insidious quality can corrode the individual’s emotional, mental, and physical health. It also can destroy relationships, family, and career. If compassion fatigue is not recognized and addressed, it can lead to complete burnout. This training is essential for anyone working with vulnerable populations. Many people who have chosen to work in this field have experiential expertise in trauma. This elevates the probability of developing compassion fatigue. Compassion Fatigue can be detrimental to their emotional, physical, and mental health. Learn about the risks, symptoms, and solutions to keep you healthy and balanced while you help others. Don’t let the “cost of caring” take away the very reason you came into this field. 6.5-hour Training.

Topic: Ethics, Values, & Boundaries 
Date/Time: June 28, 2022 from 10:00am – 4:30pm EST
Presenter: Bill Staufer, Executive Director of Pennsylvania Recovery Organization – Alliance (PRO-A)
Description: A comprehensive look into ethical codes of conduct and their role in peer support services and clinical settings. Often ethical codes are muddied when working with human beings struggling with obstacles such as addiction and mental health conditions. This may be particularly true in Peer Support Services. Participants will study the types of boundaries that exist in human behavior and what drives them. With a self-assessment process, participants will discover their own personal boundaries and how that may affect their work and their life. 6.5-hour training.

Topic: Group Facilitation Skills 
Date/Time: July 26, 2022 from 10:00am – 4:30pm EST
Presenter: Owen Dougherty, Expert in Peer Recovery Support Services
Description: This training aims to equip participants with the essential skills necessary to run engaging groups and meetings.  Utilize these new assets to handle challenging situations and optimize opportunities for growth.

Topic: Peer Supervision
Date/Time: August 30, 2022 from 10:00am – 4:30pm EST
Presenter: Dr. VonZell Wade, Co-Founder of Lost Dreams Awakening Recovery Community Organization
Description: This training and workshop will give you the framework you need to know to become an effective supervisor. All tools and systems given in the training can be adapted to your organization. Learn about supervision styles, transitional changes, professional discipline, moving from peer to supervisor, motivation zappers, and more. Need a makeover? Feeling burnt out or realizing your current style isn’t working? Come get re-energized with us. 6.5-hour Training.