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Organizational Development (Florida Only)-Rescheduled

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Date September 20, 2022 - September 22, 2022September 20, 2022
Time {start_time} - {end_time} EDT

Faces & Voices of Recovery invites Florida residents to a FREE virtual training sponsored by the Florida Department of Children and Families.This training content will range from negotiating contracts to having meaningful and impactful roles when participating on boards, councils, committees, and stakeholder groups. As a result of participation in the training, participants will be equipped with a greater understanding of internal and external policy functions, fiscal management, human resources, risk management, marketing and public relations, and advocacy efforts to sustain their growth. Healthy cultures reduce workplace conflict, turnover, and burnout. In the past, the focus has been on treating individual wellness needs without considering the workplace environment. If the organization is unhealthy, the individual will struggle to maintain personal wellness. We need to treat both the trees and the forest with equal veracity. This training provides organizational leaders with research-based assessments and tools to enable a desirable culture for productivity and sustainability—13-hour Training. 

Facilitated by: Owen Dougherty

Facilitated by: Flo Hilliard