[Indiana Only] VLC: Words Matter Utilizing Powerful Language to Eliminate Stigma
Zoom Meeting RoomVirtual Learning Communities (VLCs) provide focused online engagement, networking, and shared learning for a host of recovery topics. VLCs provide a straightforward and supportive space for continued education on recovery…
[AICDAC] Hybrid: Organizational Sustainability (3 Day Training)
Zoom Meeting RoomVirtual Registration: https://facesandvoicesofrecovery.org/training-registration/?training=a0oQg000006Fpun&CEU=1 In-Person Registration: https://facesandvoicesofrecovery.org/training-registration/?training=a0oQg000006FnD4&CEU=1 Organizational Sustainability will prepare participants to effectively manage the operations of their RCOs. Content ranges from financial sustainability to effective infrastructure, including roles and…
[Indiana Only] Community Event Stakeholder Call
Zoom Meeting RoomThe Community Event: Stakeholder Call is a dedicated space for recovery-focused professionals, advocates, and stakeholders to connect, share resources, and engage in meaningful discussions about the latest trends and challenges…
[ORN] Virtual RCO Bootcamp (2 Day Training)
Zoom Meeting RoomThe RCO Bootcamp is a leadership development program for new and emerging Recovery Community Organization (RCO) directors, program managers, and board members. The bootcamp covers all the basics to help…
[ORN] RCO Bootcamp (2 Day Training)
Zoom Meeting RoomThe RCO Bootcamp is a leadership development program for new and emerging Recovery Community Organization (RCO) directors, program managers, and board members. The bootcamp covers all the basics to help…
ORN] SPANISH Serie de introducción virtual a los fundamentos básicos de la recuperación: Principios rectores de la recuperación (1 hora de entrenamiento)
Zoom Meeting RoomEste seminario web explorará las definiciones de recuperación y los 10 principios rectores, basándose en la investigación, la práctica y la experiencia personal de personas en recuperación. Los participantes mejorarán…
[ORN] What is the Recovery Ecosystem? (2 Hour Training)
Zoom Meeting RoomWhat Is the Recovery Ecosystem?- This two-hour webinar defines recovery and the guiding principles and dimensions that support recovery. It identifies the levels of a Recovery-Ready Ecosystem model and current…
[ORN] Building Recovery Capital (2 Hour Training)
Zoom Meeting RoomBuilding Recovery Capital- This two-hour webinar describes the types of recovery capital, the internal and external resources that can be drawn upon to initiate and sustain recovery. They include individual,…
[ORN] SPANISH Sistemas de atención orientados a la recuperación
Zoom Meeting RoomSistemas de Atención Orientados a la Recuperación - Este seminario web enseñará a los participantes la importancia de las personas con experiencia vivida en un Sistema de Atención Orientado a…
[ORN] Recovery Ready Workplaces (2 Hour Training)
Zoom Meeting RoomRecovery Ready Workplaces - This two-hour webinar describes the ways employers can support people in recovery by creating recovery-ready workplaces. Employers don’t need to work in isolation; they benefit by…