Brand Design Guidelines

About These Guidelines

The Faces & Voices of Recovery identity system and the standards for its application are carefully designed to establish a strong, consistent, and memorable presence in the marketplace. These Brand Guidelines serve as a comprehensive resource to ensure that our identity is used correctly across all media and communications. Adhering to these guidelines is essential in preserving the integrity of the Faces & Voices of Recovery brand. Any inconsistent or improper representation can diminish the power and recognition of our identity.

These guidelines balance both rigidity and flexibility. While it’s impractical to cover every possible use case, the most common and practical applications are detailed here. These guidelines provide a framework that allows for creative expression, while still maintaining a unified and consistent brand experience.

Certain elements of our identity, however, must not be altered or compromised. Our communication must always meet the highest standards of quality to reflect the mission and values of Faces & Voices of Recovery. Proper usage of our identity will not only ensure effective communication but will also foster a positive reputation for the brand.

Our Logo & Tagline

The Faces & Voices of Recovery logo has been designed to be dynamic, active, and instantly recognizable. The all-caps and bold typography represent strength, while the rounded forms provide a sense of approachability and inclusivity. The font is specifically selected for maximum legibility to ensure the three most critical elements of our name—Faces, Voices, and Recovery—are always emphasized.

The logomark (symbol) represents advocacy in motion, symbolizing the global movement for recovery. It is inspired by sound waves and longitudinal lines found on a globe, but the abstract rendering also evokes diversity, action, and growth.



Our tagline, "Advocate. Act. Advance.", encapsulates our core mission and purpose. It is both multi-dimensional and balanced, mirroring the journey of recovery itself.

  • In Print Applications: Use the complete tagline whenever possible. This reinforces the full scope of our efforts—advocating for recovery, acting in support, and advancing the cause.
  • In Text Applications: It can also be used selectively. For example, one part of the tagline—“Act.”—can be employed as a focal point in advertisements or messages, depending on the context.

The tagline is also a call to action to the global recovery community, urging individuals to advocate, act, and advance.

Logo Orientations and Sub-Logos

Primary (Horizontal): The horizontal logo is the primary configuration, with the logomark positioned to the left of the name. This version should be used wherever space allows. It can appear with or without the tagline.

F&V Logo_Horizontal_RGB     Faces_and_Voices_of_Recovery_logo_480

Secondary (Stacked): The stacked logo is an alternative for tighter spaces or when the horizontal layout cannot be accommodated. This version places the logomark above the name and, like the horizontal version, can appear with or without the tagline.

    F&V Logo_Vertical_RGB

Logomark Only: The logomark can be used in certain situations but should be deployed sparingly, especially in the initial phases of brand rollout. The connection between the symbol and the Faces & Voices of Recovery brand must be strongly established before this form becomes widespread.

Social Media Logo Usage

On social media platforms, it is often more practical to use the logomark or the logo without the tagline. This optimizes space while maintaining recognition.


The following are the logos that we currently use.

Sub Logos
070623_F&V-logos_ARCO 070623_F&V-logos_ARCO_stacked
CAPRSS Logo Logo-CAPRSS-transparent-fs
National Recovery Institute (NRI) logo Logo-NRI-transparent-1500w
F&V_outlined_RDP Logo-RDP-transparent-1500w
Recovery Leadership Summit (RLS) logo RLS_logo_vertical_rgb
032924_AHR_logo_350 F&V_outlined_RecoveryNet

Clearspace & Minimum size


To ensure the logo’s visibility and prominence, maintain a minimum clearspace around it. The clearspace should be equal to the height of the logomark (symbol), ensuring the logo is not crowded by competing graphic elements such as text or background patterns.

Minimum Size

The minimum size of the primary logo is 1 inch wide for print materials and 72 pixels wide for digital applications (e.g., websites, videos). For the secondary logo, the minimum size is 0.75 inches or 54 pixels wide.


Brand Colors

Primary Colors

Our primary color palette consists of five shades of blue, ranging from light to dark. Blue symbolizes trust, wisdom, calmness, and loyalty, aligning with the values we represent.

Printing with PANTONE® inks is the desired method of production, but it is not always cost-effective. Accordingly, process (CMYK) and multimedia (RGB and Hexadecimal) equivalents have been provided. Colors will always shift depending on the medium (on-screen vs. printing on paper vs. embroidery, etc.). These formulas (or profiles) are provided for the different mediums to alleviate color shifting as much as possible. However, there will always be discrepancies.

For Print For Screen Accessibility Usage
Pantone (PMS) Process (CMYK) Digital (RGB) Hexidecimal
Blue 1 PMS 7688 C 71, 28, 4, 0 65, 151, 203 #4197cb Black Text | Blue 1 Background -
Blue 2 PMS 7689 C 79, 33, 7, 0 35, 141, 193 #238dc1 Black Text | Blue 2 Background -
Blue 3 PMS 7690 C 93, 47, 15, 1 0, 117, 169 #0075a9 White Text | Blue 3 Background -
Blue 4 PMS 7692 C 100, 69, 24, 7 0, 84, 135 #005487 White Text | Blue 4 Background -
Blue 5 PMS 7694 C 100, 77, 34, 21 0, 65, 107 #00416b White Text | Blue 5 Background -
Secondary Colors
Grey PMS 7540 C 0, 1, 1, 67 84, 83, 83 #545353 Grey Text | (Off) White Background -
Off White - 0, 0, 0, 4 244, 244, 244 #f4f4f4 Off White text | Dark Background -
Orange 1 PMS 7566 C 0, 40, 71, 74 168, 101, 49 #A86531 NRI
Orange 2 PMS 143 C 0, 26, 79, 9 232, 172, 49 #E8AC30 Black Text | Orange 2 Background Podcast
Green 1 PMS 7496 C 1, 0, 78, 52 121, 122, 27 #797A1B RDP
Green 2 PMS 7751 C 0, 3, 66, 25 191, 186, 65 #BFBA41 - -
Red 1 PMS 7421 C 0, 76, 59, 59 105, 25, 43 #69192B White Text | Red 1 Background Events & CAPRSS
Red 2 - 0, 65, 61, 21 201, 71, 79 #C9474F Memberships
Teal 1 PMS 7475 C 32, 0, 0, 51 85, 125, 125 #557D7D Trainnings
Teal 2 PMS 550 C 28, 1, 0, 24 140, 192, 194 #8dC2C3 Black Text | Teal 2 Background -
Purple 1 PMS 268 C 41, 62, 0, 49 77, 49, 130 #4C3181 ARCO
Purple 2 - 28, 43, 0, 29 130, 103, 181 #8267B5 Advocacy

Consistent use of color will help build strong brand recognition. It is possible for an organization to “own” certain colors, by leaving a lasting impression through identification of the organization with a specific color palette.

Using primary and secondary colors as background block and testing with white, black and 5 #2A4469(blue) as text color the following will pass.

Color Reproduction

Printing: PANTONE® Spot Color
Use the PANTONE® color codes provided for accurate color matching in print. The PANTONE® Matching System (PMS) guarantees color consistency across different production runs.

Printing: Four-color Process (CMYK)
For full-color printing, use the CMYK equivalents of our PANTONE® colors. Be mindful that color shifts may occur depending on the paper type and printer settings.

Digital: On-screen (RGB)
Use RGB values for digital media, including websites, videos, and digital ads. Keep in mind that color variations may occur across different devices.

One-color Logo


Whenever possible the Faces & Voices of Recovery logo should appear as the color version on white. However, there will be instances when reproduction limitations will not allow for the primary logo to be reproduced effectively. A black logo is allowed when media reproduction is one color.

We have two options for one-color logos. The first is 100% black. The second is made up of tints of black (values shown to the right) which is still considered a one color logo.

The tagline is also black in the one-color version.



Use only the approved electronic artwork. Never alter, add to, or re-draw the logo in any way.

Logo on a Background

The color logo can appear on solid-colored light backgrounds. It should primarily be used on a white background. Use the full-color logo on backgrounds that are light enough to allow all of the logo colors to be seen clearly. For darker backgrounds, use the reversed-out version of the logo as shown on page 15. These guidelines apply to all orientations of the logo.


Reversed-OUT Logo

When using the logo on dark colors, use the approved reversed-out version of the logo as shown on this page. All type, including the tagline, will be in white. These guidelines apply to all orientations of the logo.

We have an alternative reversed version of the logo that is built from transparent whites (shown below). When placed on top of any color or image, this logo file will produce the different shades of the mark.



Incorrect Logo Usage

To maintain brand integrity, never alter or distort the logo. This includes:

  • Stretching or squashing the logo
  • Changing the color scheme
  • Adding or removing elements
  • Using outdated logo versions
  • Overlaying the logo on inappropriate backgrounds (e.g., highly textured or busy patterns)

For reference, examples of incorrect logo usage are provided in the original document, but these are not exhaustive. Always ensure that the logo maintains its clarity and recognizability.


In an attempt to avoid common mistakes when using the Faces & Voices of Recovery logo, several examples of incorrect usage are displayed here for reference. These variations are representative, however, not all-inclusive.

Logo Typeface & Our Name in Text

Logo Typeface

The Faces & Voices of Recovery logotype is set in Brandon Grotesque Bold. Do not, under any circumstances, substitute another typeface for the logotype, or attempt to redraw the logo.

Do not alter the letter spacing under any circumstances. Also, do not alter, distort, condense, expand, or italicize the typeface.

Do not use our logo typeface for anything other than the logo and tagline.

Our Name in Text

Anywhere our name appears in text it will be treated as a proper noun as shown to the right.

Never use our logo as part of a sentence.

See what    FV-Logo_Horizontal_RGB-800w_not-usecan do for you.

How Faces & Voices of Recovery should always appear in text:

The Faces & Voices of Recovery identity system and the standards for its application are designed to create a strong and memorable position in the marketplace. These Brand Guidelines will help you to use our identity and image properly and consistently. Inconsistent representation of the Faces & Voices of Recovery identity could erode the integrity of our brand.

Corporate Typeface

Primary Typeface:

The primary corporate typeface for all communications is Open Sans, a highly legible sans-serif typeface. It provides a range of weights and styles to support a variety of textual elements.

Secondary Typeface:

When Open Sans is unavailable (e.g., in emails or certain document formats), use Verdana, which is commonly installed on most systems.

Seasonal Corporate Typeface:

Script Font: Evalfey Variable

Typeface Guidelines:

  • Open Sans Regular: For body text and large paragraphs.
  • Open Sans Semibold or Bold: For subheadings, bullet points, and emphasis.
  • Verdana: For fallback usage when Open Sans is not available.
  • Evalfey Variable: Script font used seasonally when a script is needed.

  • Above The Beyond: Font used for signature on graphics.

Open Sans Light

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890

Open Sans Light Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890

Open Sans Regular

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890

Open Sans Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890

Open Sans Semibold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890

Open Sans Semibold Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890</

Open Sans Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890

Open Sans Bold Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 1234567890

How to install Primary fonts:

  1. Click on the Open-Sans-Font link (below) to start downloading.
  2. Find the downloaded file in the downloads folder or your default downloads location and double-click on the file to unzip it.
  3. Open Font Book App: CMD-spacebar on the keyboard or go to find, top right search icon Search icon PNG and SVG Vector Free Download and type: Font Book. Select the program in the search and open the program.
  4. Select the main folders from the zip folder that was previously opened in the window and drag and drop it to the Font Book app.
  5. A pop-up will appear and click Install or replace (if this is the option), repeat this step until all fonts are installed or until the pop-up disappears and you see the three font families installed in the font book app.
  6. Close all windows and move the downloaded folder and zip file to the trash.

Tagline Use

The tagline is best used "locked-up" with the logo, appearing directly beneath it. The tagline should follow the clearspace guidelines to ensure that it remains legible and doesn’t compete with other elements. When placed on a dark background, the tagline should be reversed out in white.

When the tagline appears independently, a minimum clearspace of 0.25 inches around all sides is required.

F&V_brand-design-guidelines_tagline-1     F&V_brand-design-guidelines_tagline-2

Logo and tagline lockup:

  • The tagline is centered underneath the full name and positioned at the distance beneath the type shown here, which is the same in both the vertical and horizontal orientations.
  • The tagline typeface is Brandon Grotesque Medium.
  • Tagline color is Faces & Voices of Recovery Blue 3.


These guidelines are designed to ensure that Faces & Voices of Recovery is consistently and professionally represented in all forms of communication, from print materials to digital media. Following these standards will reinforce our mission, build recognition, and create a lasting impact in the recovery community.