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Our Stories Have Power Toolkit

Recovery is everywhere, and it is imperative that we speak out about the power of recovery. Each action, each shared story, and each face and voice that joins us, brings us closer to a society where recovery is acknowledged, supported, and celebrated.

Whether you’re a person in recovery, a family member of someone in recovery, or a recovery ally, we invite you to share your story here to demonstrate that recovery works for over 23 million Americans and offer hope to those who are still struggling, as well as their families and communities.

By standing together, by voicing our needs and desires, we make the process of recovery not just something we experience, but something we live, every day, for everyone.

How to Give Your Story Power


  • What’s the purpose of posting your picture or video? Decide on a message that can be conveyed clearly.
  • For videos, write a script or outline to organize the message’s flow and structure.
  • Choose a location with good lighting and the appropriate equipment for your shoot.


  • Use a tripod or stabilizer to keep your shots steady.
  • Pay attention to framing and composition.
  • For videos, ensure high-quality audio by using a microphone or getting close to the subject.


  • For videos: cut unnecessary footage to keep your video concise. Blend music, sound effects, and graphics into the final version to drive your message home.
  • Delete unnecessary images; only edit the finals.
  • Use color correction and grading to improve the visual quality of your videos or photos.
  • Remember to practice and experiment with different techniques to improve your content creation skills.

How to Capture the Perfect Selfie

Good Lighting is Everything

  • Natural light is usually the most flattering. Stand facing a window for your selfie or go outside at golden hour (either the hour after sunrise or the hour before sunset) when the light is soft and warm.
  • Avoid harsh or direct overhead light. It can cast unflattering shadows.

Find the Best Angle

  • Experiment with different angles until you find a flattering one. (Rule of thumb: holding the camera slightly above eye level and angling it down can help define your jawline and make your eyes appear larger.)
  • Avoid taking shots from below you. It can distort your facial features.

Frame Your Shot

  • Be mindful of where you are in relation to things around you.
  • A simple and uncluttered background will make you stand out.

Focus on Your Expression

  • Your facial expression is important and should convey your mood. Experiment with different looks and poses.
  • A genuine smile and relaxed demeanor often work well.

Use the Front Camera

  • If you’re on a smartphone, consider using the front-facing (selfie) camera. It’s designed for close-up shots and is usually optimized for selfies.
  • Make sure your lenses are clean. No fingerprints or smudges.

Confidence Matters

  • Feeling confident can really impact the way your selfie turns out.
  • To the best of your ability, relax, have fun, and let your personality shine through.

How to Audio Record your Message

Lock Your Message In

  • Strategize how you want to articulate your message and give it a clear flow.
  • Before recording, outline the key points you need to hit.

Select the Right Environment

  • Find a quiet, well-controlled environment. You want to minimize background noise, distractions, and surprises.
  • Consider using a room with good acoustics to reduce echo and improve sound quality.

Give Yourself Notes

  • It can be helpful to write a script or bullet your topics.
  • The tighter your notes, the less likely you are to ramble or lose focus.

Speak Clearly and Steadily

  • Enunciate your words clearly. Err on the side of speaking a little slower to avoid rushing through your message.
  • Pause when you want to emphasize key points and let listeners absorb information.

Minimize Fillers

  • Minimize the use of filler words like “um,” “uh,” “like,” and “you know.” They distract from your message and can also frustrate listeners.
  • Instead, try pausing quietly to collect your thoughts.

Practice Makes Better

  • If you’re new, practice recording few times to get comfortable.
  • The more you record, the more confident you’ll become in yourself and the process.

Be Authentic

  • Hang on to your “you”-isms while recording. The goal is to sound like yourself, not a stilted version of it.
  • Authenticity makes your message more relatable and trustworthy.

Share Your Story

Join The Recovery Movement

Across the country, people in recovery are celebrating their successes and sharing them with others. However, these successes often go unnoticed by the broader population. Sharing and celebrating recovery stories connects community members with one another and empowers those who are still struggling to know they are not alone. It also helps us to eliminate the stigma and discrimination people in recovery often face and educate the public that recovery is possible.

Submit Your Story Today!

Our Partners

Faces & Voices of Recovery has partnered with Opioid Response Network (ORN) to collect, produce, and distribute stories of recovery in the form of a national recovery awareness campaign. This initiative aims to highlight the impact of recovery on diverse individuals, families, and communities to change the current narrative of degradation and despair into one of continuous hope, courage, and empowerment.

For more information about ORN, visit

ORN Logo

Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant no. 1H79TI085588-02 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.