Illinois Peer Support Series
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- Illinois Peer Support Series
Peer Supervision: Illinois Only
Zoom Meeting RoomFaces & Voices of Recovery invites professionals in the state of Illinois to a FREE virtual training. In conjunction with the Illinois Department of Human Services we bring you this…
Assisting the Re-entry Community: Illinois Only
Zoom Meeting RoomFaces & Voices of Recovery invites professionals in the state of Illinois to a FREE training. In conjunction with the Illinois Department of Human Services we are proud to offer…
Grant Writing & Fundraising [For IL Only]
For IL Only (CT)- This training is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to write successful grant proposals and engage in effective fundraising strategies. Through interactive…
Optimizing Street Outreach for Impact [For IL Only]
For IL Only (CT) - Participants will gain an understanding of common-sense practices on how to better serve underacknowledged populations, learn how to apply the principles of harm reduction to…
Community Asset Mapping [For IL Only]
For IL Only: Explore the use of community asset mapping as a strengths-based approach to identifying the human, material, entrepreneurial and other resources in the community that supports a life…
Trauma Informed Recovery Oriented Systems of Care [For IL Only]
For IL Only: This session will dive into the significance trauma informed support has in a recovery-oriented system of care. Participants will learn how the power of trauma informed practices…
Re-Entry Support Strategies [For IL Only]
For IL Only: Aimed at providing participants with the tools and strategies needed to support individuals who are reintegrating after incarceration or other forms of separation. Through practical exercises and…
[Illinois Region 3] Virtual Community Listening Forum
Zoom Meeting RoomThe purpose of this Listening Session series is to provide a space for the recovery community in the state of Illinois to discuss how best to provide services to people…
[Illinois Region 3] Virtual Community Asset Mapping
Zoom Meeting RoomThis webinar will explore the use of community asset mapping as a strengths-based approach to identifying the human, material, entrepreneurial and other resources in the community that support a life…
[Illinois] Virtual RCO Bootcamp
Zoom Meeting RoomRCO Bootcamp is a leadership development program for new and emerging Recovery Community Organization (RCO) directors, program managers, and board members. The Boot Camp covers all the basics to help…