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Monthly ARCO All-member Meeting

Connect and discuss pressing issues with other ARCO members | Policy updates provided monthly | Special topics presented by ARCO members and other guests

Recovery Ambassador Training

TIME: 10am-4pm PST / 12pm-6pm CST / 1pm-7pm EST Faces & Voices of Recovery invites you to a FREE virtual training sponsored by the Opioid Response Network.  The Recovery Ambassador Program is a 13-hour training that prepares individuals to advance public understanding and appropriate responses to addiction. The training program consists of a two-day seminar.…

Monthly ARCO All-member Meeting

Connect and discuss pressing issues with other ARCO members | Policy updates provided monthly | Special topics presented by ARCO members and other guests

Virtual Learning Community: RCO Best Practices

Training for Alaska, Oregon, and Washington: (12:00pm-1:00pm AKDT/1:00pm-2:00pm PDT) (PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE TIME ZONES) This free virtual learning community session will provide an overview and discussion of the topic of RCO Best Practices. To ensure fidelity to the recovery community organization model, Faces & Voices of Recovery, RCOs across the nation, and related stakeholders have identified…

Virtual Learning Community: RCO Best Practices

Training for Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico: This free virtual learning community session will provide an overview and discussion of the topic of RCO Best Practices. To ensure fidelity to the recovery community organization model, Faces & Voices of Recovery, RCOs across the nation, and related stakeholders have identified 10 best practices for recovery community organizations. The format includes a…

Florida Virtual Lunch & Learn: Connecting & Supporting Families

WHO: Anyone interested in supporting the development of recovery community organizations is welcome to join! Registration is required. WHAT: A brief informational presentation followed by updates and discussion regarding the development of recovery community organizations in Florida. WHERE: This is a virtual Lunch and Learning Community that can be joined by following the links next to each date to…

Virtual Learning Community: Board Development

Training for Alaska, Oregon, and Washington: (12:00pm-1:00pm AKDT/1:00pm-2:00pm PDT) (PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE TIME ZONES) This free virtual learning community session will provide an overview and discussion of the topic of board development. Developing a strong board of directors to provide strategic direction of the RCO as a non-profit organization is one major key to success. The format includes a…

Recovery Ambassador Training

TIME: 9am-3pm PST / 11am-5pm CST / 12pm-6pm EST Faces & Voices of Recovery invites you to a FREE virtual training sponsored by the Opioid Response Network. The Recovery Ambassador Program is a 6-hour training that prepares individuals to advance public understanding and appropriate responses to addiction. The training program consists of a one-day seminar.…

Virtual Learning Community: Board Development

Training for Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico: This free virtual learning community session will provide an overview and discussion of the topic of board development. Developing a strong board of directors to provide strategic direction of the RCO as a non-profit organization is one major key to success. The format includes a brief presentation as well as Q & A with…

Monthly ARCO All-member Meeting

Connect and discuss pressing issues with other ARCO members | Policy updates provided monthly | Special topics presented by ARCO members and other guests