Overcomers Outreach
Overcomers Outreach are Christian recovery support groups using the 12 Steps and scripture. The ministry offers support to those with a wide variety of mental health and addiction problems including…
Read MoreRecovery International
A community mental health mutual aid group that offers a self-help method of will training; a system of techniques for controlling temperamental behavior and changing attitudes toward nervous symptoms, anxiety,…
Read MoreDepression and Bipolar Support Alliance
DBSA is a patient-directed organization that focuses on depression and bipolar disorder for individuals with these disorders and their families. In addition to their public education work, support for research…
Read MoreBipolar Significant Others
BPSO provides useful information and support to the families, friends and loved ones of those who suffer from bipolar disorder (manic depression). “These resources have helped many of us inform…
Read MoreSupportGroups.com
The goal of SupportGroups.com is to bring people together around life’s challenges by providing concise, up-to-date information and a meeting place for individuals, their friends and families, and professionals who…
Read MoreSmart Recovery
A non-profit established in 1994. Offers more than 950 weekly face-to-face meetings and 30 online meetings for individuals seeking to abstain from substances or activities. SMART Recovery (Self Management And…
Read MoreSecular Organization for Sobriety / Save Our Selves (SOS)
SOS is a network of autonomous, nonprofessional local groups dedicated solely to helping individuals achieve and maintain sobriety. SOS is a secular program of recovery and takes a self-empowerment approach.…
Read MoreModeration Management (MM)
MM groups support problem drinkers who want to reduce their drinking and make other positive lifestyle changes and is for people who have experienced mild to moderate levels of alcohol-related…
Read MoreLife Ring Secular Recovery
LifeRing sponsors face-to-face groups and online connections to chat rooms, discussion forums, blogs, and links to sources of information related to recovery from addiction. LifeRing is not affiliated with any…
Read MoreJews in the Rooms
An online social networking tool with virtual meetings for the Jewish Recovery Community. In the Rooms is a comprehensive online social network for the recovery community worldwide. Their mission is…
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