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Knowing the Science of Addiction

I recently watched the PBS documentary, “Addiction” on the NOVA science series several times. I have seen book and movie reviews of Beautiful Boy. In an important and most informative part of the NOVA presentation, I was pleased to see the face and hear the voice of Nora D. Volkow, M.D., Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Volkow’s work has been instrumental in demonstrating that drug addiction is a disease of the human brain. She pioneered the use of brain imaging to investigate the toxic effects and addictive properties of abusable drugs. Her studies have documented changes in the dopamine system as the brain strives to find balance between pleasure, pain, and motivation. Research has produced irrefutable evidence of the value of medicine in addiction treatment and recovery. The documentary states “addiction is a very treatable disease.”

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New Recovery Movement Basics

New Recovery Advocacy Movement Basics Definition- The New Recovery Advocacy Movement (NRAM) is a social movement led by people in addiction recovery and their allies aimed at altering public and…

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The Challenge of Grief

“I pray to feel my feelings,” the veteran AA told me, “knowing that I will not be abandoned by myself or god.” What a prayer! Stopped me in my tracks. Over the years, I’ve passed it on. Reports are that others find it helpful. We all agree that it’s a challenge.

Do we addicts really want to feel our feelings? The experts tell us that all feelings fit into just four categories: happy, sad, angry, scared. You read that right. Fully three-quarters of these categories are painful.

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Reflections on Teaching the Recovery Peer Services Model

Corresponding to the ten-year rise of a powerful grassroots recovery advocacy lobby, we’re also seeing a growing nationwide network of recovery community centers providing practical and vocational services in an environment characterized by activist Tom Hill as “recovery nurturing.” Meeting identified service gaps, these centers are responding with increased efficacy and sophistication to the acknowledged inadequacy of “treating a chronic disease as if a crisis intervention would be enough.”

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On The Role of Peers in Addiction Recovery

Do peers have a unique way of connecting with clients? As the treatment of addiction moves inexorably toward inclusion in the larger healthcare system, with its standards of evidence-based care,…

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Faces & Voices Hires New Executive Director

It is with great pleasure that Faces & Voices of Recovery announces the hiring of Patty McCarthy Metcalf as our new Executive Director. A long time Faces & Voices board member, Ms. McCarthy Metcalf is well known in recovery circles and widely respected nationwide as an advocate and recovery community leader. With intimate knowledge of the key aspects of our operation she can step in and immediately meet the day to day leadership needs at Faces & Voices.

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The New Face of Faces & Voices of Recovery

We’re excited to launch this amazing new website where you can learn, connect & take action. I’m proud to serve as Faces & Voices board chair and work with recovery advocates from across the country to advance our recovery agenda. I encourage you to find out more about our board and our regional representatives and share your recovery story, events and trainings with our growing constituency.

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Study highlights the critical need for removal of discriminatory barriers to people with addiction and fighting for recovery – costing nation $343 Billion a year (Washington, DC, April 25, 2013)…

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