Recovery Stories

Christopher Sciacchitano

When I was 17 years old I got my license early in high school but started cutting classes and hanging with the wrong crowd of which the peer pressure influenced me greatly because I fell into addiction smoking then it progressed to pills and opiates then heroin. The progression was foggy to me but in retrospect I can put pieces of the facts together thankfully due to many years of recovery today. But it all began when I was 17, I remember having a fight with my parents who were forcing me to rehab which I didn’t take good and ran off but first I stole a bottle of Johnny Walker Red label or something, and alcohol wasn’t my thingy I really didn’t drink much at all, but I was upset and didn’t have any heroin or opiates so I went to the closest hangout spot which was an abandoned house on my block that I lived. There was a drought in our area at the time of heroin so I remember just drinking and smoking pot with my friends and then later that evening the heroin came and all remember was sniffing some heroin, next thing I know I’m awoken to thick smoke and I was coughing but managed to awake and realize the house was on fire. So I ran out the back just as a huge flame developed on the far side of the house. I ran out of the backyard darted across the street on the far side away from any police or fire dept if they were there yet and jumped over a few fences into the woods until the adrenaline and running made me sick and I vomited in the woods trying to figure out what just happened. To this day I never truly got to the bottom of it from my friends because I went home shortly after only to concede to my parents wishes about going to rehab especially with the house on our block being burned down the previous night they must have had suspicions, but they knew I was unwell and just desperately wanted me in treatment. So I went and completed 28 days at Seafield and I still remember the powerful sermons of one of the founder’s they called The REV, he made me cry but spoke to my soul. But I completed and had to go to probation for some other drunk fight craziness my friends did a few years back, so at probation there was detectives that wanted to speak with me. Me being on my first plight of recovery was very emotional and overcome with great desire towards integrity of which these detectives took full advantage of using it against me manipulating me in my first attempt at recovery ever. So they asked me about the fire and then took out a picture of me close by the scene because afterwards I walked my dog to check out the damage horrified that if I didn’t not come to when I did, I would have died because I don’t think they searched the house assuming it was abandoned. At first I wanted to just call my parents which my Dad was in Texas on business trip, so I wanted to call my Mom but they said I had to speak with them first. Then they proceeded asking me question, I asked again if I can call my parents, then they said listen we just need to know what happened if you were hanging out and a candle or cigarette might have started the fire, I said maybe that was a real possibility because I didn’t want to rat out my friends but at the same time wanted to be honest yet the honest truth was I did not really know. So they said listen just sign this paper saying it might have been an accident from a cigarette or candle falling over but I didn’t like the candle notion because there was no candle, but we did smoke in there so I thought maybe the cigarette. So I signed the paper thinking I was leaving but then they charged me with 2 counts of Arson in the 3rd degree. My dad got home, hired a lawyer and we were left with the options of going to a trial with the risk of maximum penalty or to plea to an agreement with the district attorney. Once the facts got to the Judge and Attorneys, they offered me SHOCK Incarceration in I plea to one count, which I did because my whole college fund had already been spent on this lawyer and not wanting to further financially burden my father we chose to accept the plea although I probably could have one trial I didn’t want to risk having any jail sentence. But Shock was in the department of corrections so I had to still go through the system. SHOCK is a 6 month military style boot camp drug treatment center. I graduated in Sept 2009 then had a relapse and went straight back to WILLARD Drug Treatment Center, like SHOCK is a shorter 3 month or 90 day rehab in the department of corrections also military boot camp style. So all said and done I have 9 months of Rehab boot camp under my belt. But once I got off parole I completed in 2010 and during this Recovery period I had about 2 years and met a woman who lived in Toronto, Canada. She was originally from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, an island of the Caribbean. So I decided to visit Canada to meet my new girlfriend. How we met is an interesting story but not for this summary. We ended up getting married, I adopted her 2 yr old daughter as my own and we went to have 2 more boys born in Canada. So this few week visit in Canada ended up being a few year stay where I got married and had kids. But we start inquiring about the immigration process of which turned out to a be disaster due to my criminal record. I was able to find work as a helper on a Sears delivery truck which is an accumulation of funny but harrowing stories of delivering and installing appliances and fridges. So we were able to hire a lawyer and got well involved with a Church because my wife comes from a very strong Christian Pentecostal Evangelical Church which we got involved with a church from one of my previous jobs sales manager selling furnace filters door to door. But we ended up taking about spiritual things and we got close to the church. Now with the kids, the stress of immigration and connecting to the wrong kind of people again I had relapsed again. This time I got involved with a gang that did petty crimes sometimes and got caught stealing from the stores wresting away from a loss prevention employee but they got my backpack. This got me under the radar for immigration, thankfully the Church signed an immigration bail for me, but however I did well for a bit because I wanted to stay because my wife was pregnant with our 2nd boy Christopher. But I ended up not doing well, I ended up getting attacked myself my the thieves I was working with because they were manipulating me by getting me to do things by giving me large quantities of heroin but it came with stipulations eventually I needed the junk by tried getting out of doing the dirty work for them. Then one day I was doing well trying to avoid the gangs and the drugs until I was walking home from work one day to the bus stop when bang a huge flash, out of the ally I was attacked by someone with a mini baseball bat which he hit me pretty hard, I almost loss consciousness, I felt very weak and woozy but knew to fight back and tried to grab and wrestle the guy, who was trying to hit me with the bat again and grabbing my hand trying to get my golden wedding ring off my hand, which was a little loose. When the ring fell off my hand he went to grab it, I darted off over a fence into a backyard ran from a dog hopped the backyard fence and ran down the train tracks for a while then caught my breathe when I was far away. Then I called my wife who when she saw my face swollen the way it was she called my parents who immediately came to Canada to take my to the USA to a rehab where I had health insurance. In Canada , there were free shelters I could go to suffer cold turkey but could dispense withdrawal medications so I went to the USA where upon I completed Phoenix House for 28 day program. With that letter I went back to Canada in attempts to hopefully be there for the birth of our youngest child. However I relapsed again buying heroin in the city before my bus ride to Canada, but at one of the stops I fell asleep getting high in the bathroom stall to discover the bus left me. So I was able to call and get another bus behind it, but at that time I was so high that I would have been surprised if border patrol didn’t lock me up. But I did get detained at the border, but I was able to clear all my criminal charges in Canada with my rehab letter from Phoenix House. But even with my situation I tried fighting to stay but was deported in December 2015. But a week after I got deported my son was born in Canada but I got to web chat them so it wasn’t so bad. But my brother had also just passed away from an overdose a short time later where my younger brother found him not breathing in the backyard, he tried CPR was able to kind of revive him, but he later died from not regaining brain activity and passed in December 2015. So that was difficult but a wake up call to the reality of addiction. I was still desperate to get back to my kids any possible way I could but they ended up coming to live here because I still can’t go to Canada although I have been repeatedly applying for a pardon every few years. But today I am an individual in long term recovery. I am a CRPA-p and pursuing a degree in physics at Suffolk County Community College. I also serve the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Community Advisory Board because my last relapse in 2016 after grieving my brother I have been in recovery every since. But upon completion I shared my testimony a few years later in 2020 and got accepted as a Community Advisory Board Member. I was also able to become a member of the Starburst Foundation which is a scientific research organization focusing on galactic super waves and a unified physics theory called Sub Quantum Kinetics. I am presently still pursing an internship as a CRPA-p to become a full CRPA and contribute my experience to help as many people as I can. My other career is kind of consulting in the business world where I have a small firm called Satch Enterprises where I get alternative creative funding offers that fit the needs of my client’s respective industry or business. I also meet weekly with the science group engaging in active science discussion with PH.D’s and participating in editing the books as well as attending conference and presenting the information in a summary to the group. But most of all I am a full time DAD of three awesome kids ages 15, 11, and 9. As well as a son to my ailing mother’s diabetes and heart troubles. And a full time person in recovery for the remainder of my days in the physical realm. But I do attribute spiritual principles to manifestation only in the positive these days. But I have been writing for some time and get A’s in my college literature classes and so many people tell me I should write a book about my testimony, of which I took their advice and have been writing for some time. Since my rehab stays I have been journaling and creative writing for many years until I accumulated everything into a book that shares my experiences and really in attempt to spread awareness about the danger of recovery but also the possibilities in recovery and as a testimonial that it is possible and that the real solution lies in the spiritual work and living by the spiritual principles of honesty, love integrity, and being positive, attitude. Going down the path of self discovery and then finding their purpose in this world, in so using our natural talents to support ourselves is a huge edge in recovery and can harmonized one’s life in such a positive transformational way. So I am in the last typed edition of accumulating years of hand written work into a final handwritten work I am now typing. So I live to take care of my kids and trying to build a career to support my family and my children’s future!