RDP Newsletter – April 2021

April 2021
Digital Newsletter

New Assessments!

Its here at last!

The new assessments means easier reporting for all. Expect to see the new assessments button on the Questionnaire tab in RDP next month.

This update is available to all RDP users with the Enhanced layout assigned to their assigned program. Custom forms will still be available in the original format.

Enhanced RDP!

If you haven’t switched over yet, what are you waiting for?

The new participant layout also includes fields like Personal Pronouns and easier navigation of records via a tab layout.

If you are tired of having to find the New TRS Log button, try the new layout today with Quick Actions available.

To enable this feature for your staff by Program simply edit your program layout to Enhanced RDP from Original RDP! This lets you take control of the new view and when you implement it!

Have questions please submit a ticket from the RDP Homepage.

The enhanced view really changed my thoughts and feelings about RDP. Originally I felt that the layout wasn’t very user friendly or functional. Now that we are using the enhanced view everything is so much easier to access. With the new features and layout I am able to quickly get to each function without having to scroll through the whole page to find what I am looking for. I used to spend more time trying to update participant records, completing engagement scales, and RC logs. Now I spend less time and feel really confident and comfortable using RDP while I am engaging with my participants. I am really happy with the changes that I have seen to RDP, and have seen all of the updates I was hoping to see to create a more user friendly space.

RDP User & Peer Recovery Coach

Is your Organization
Emergency Prepared?

From Communications to Technology to Best Practices. We got it all!
The RCO Emergency Preparedness Toolkit handouts are a collection of materials that have been provided by multiple resources and compiled in order to be easily accessible for the public needs. Faces & Voices has collated these resources to guide RCOs and other agencies in their Emergency Preparedness planning.
Check it out here!