
Advance your recovery. Move to the next level. Engagement within our recovery community is easy, takes many forms, and offers purposeful ways to advocate, educate, act, and learn more about how to make recovery support services more accessible, understood, and funded.

Make us better. Make your voice heard.

In This Section

Recovery Leadership Summit (RLS)

Bringing people together moves us all forward. With your support, we connect recovery community organizations around the world to help grow the ways all recovery is understood and promoted through advocacy, education, action, and leadership.


Just as different paths lead us to recovery, different paths lead us to Faces & Voices of Recovery membership. Choose one that suits you and add your voice to the movement.


Get into the action. Access a calendar full of in-person and virtual events aimed at moving recovery support services and organizations forward through advocacy, education, and action.


Learn what’s happening at the forefront of substance use and recovery initiatives and hear about research from leading voices in your recovery community and around the world.

Support Our Efforts

Help us promote the reality of recovery. Your generous gift will help make long-term recovery accessible to everyone and sustain our ongoing recovery initiatives.

Recovery Groups

Find out about the growing number and scope of volunteer recovery mutual aid groups.

International Recovery Day

International Recovery Day connects the dots between all folks in recovery – from all recovery pathways – all around the globe – all in one day: September 30th.

Recovery Month

Recovery Month celebrates the gains made by those in recovery from substance use and mental health, just as we celebrate improvements made by those who are managing other health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and heart disease.

Recovery Resource Library

Find what you need to help move recovery initiatives forward in your community. Access, support, and contribute to our vast collective experience, expertise, and education.