
There are many pathways to recovery and to membership with our organization.

Membership Makes the Movement

When you join our community, you add your voice to the largest recovery advocacy organization in the nation.

It used to be an Association. Now it’s an Alliance.

To account for the exponential growth in our recovery community, we’ve transitioned from being an Association of Recovery Community Organizations to an Alliance for Recovery Centered Organizations. The new ARCO.

As allies, we are connected by common interests and shared experiences. ARCO is a specialized group of allies working to advance recovery support and expand wellness initiatives at multiple levels.

Faces & Voices’ role in ARCO is to help members of the peer workforce get certified and maintain national standards that reflect best practices.

Ready to join us? Fill out the application to begin your membership process today.

Become an Alliance Member

Together, We Can Do What We Cannot Do Alone

By donating a recurring financial gift to Faces & Voices, members can tangibly particpate in reducing stigma, eliminating barriers to wellness, changing harmful public policies, and supporting growth in the peer recovery community.

Committed members of Faces & Voices directly contribute to creating sustainable support for substance use disorder and the lives it touches.

Will you help?

Make a Donation