Opiates Anonymous
Opiates Anonymous is a 12 step fellowship whose members have a desire to stop using opiates and all other mind altering substances. Our members share their experience on how they have recovered from a hopeless state so that they may help others to recover. We do not endorse nor oppose any outside causes. We wish to stay free from any controversy. We are not affiliated with any political organizations, religions, sects, or denominations. Our Seventh Tradition states that we are fully self-supporting declining outside contributions. The only membership requirement is a desire to stop using opiates and all other mind-altering substances. Our Fifth Tradition states that our primary purpose is to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. Our 12 Step Recovery Program is based on the instructions in the first 164 pages of the book Alcoholics Anonymous because our experience has shown us that it is simple and that it works.