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RDP Newsletter – January 2020

January 2020 Digital Newsletter Happy New Year from RDP! The RDP Team at Faces & Voices of Recovery would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! As end-of-year…

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“Peerness” is Important

My title for this blog came to me when recalling a presentation by Tom Hill several years ago at an Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO) conference. Tom served for…

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Group hiking mountain servant leadership

Servant leadership

“A noble leader answers not to the trumpet calls of self promotion, but to the hushed whispers of necessity.” Mollie Marti Servant leadership is a model of leadership that focuses…

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Picture of drugs and harm reduction strategies

Key Harm Reduction Strategies

Harm reduction isn’t explicitly a pathway of recovery — although some do identify that way — it is however, a health strategy aimed toward reducing the harm associated with drug…

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Signpost pathways of recovery

Pathways of Recovery

1 in 10 Americans — an estimated 22 million — live in recovery from substance use disorders. While it’s important to celebrate our stories of recovery, it’s equally important that…

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Owen Dougherty

Owen Dougherty is currently working independently, providing training and technical assistance for organizations developing peer recovery support services as well as leadership development coaching to emerging leaders in these organizations.…

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ARCO Membership

The Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO) at Faces & Voices of Recovery unites and supports the growing network of local, regional and statewide recovery community organizations (RCOs).

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Toward a New Recovery Advocacy Movement 2000 Redux

I was invited in 2000 to do a presentation for the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Recovery Community Support Program grantees meeting. I chose for my topic “Toward a New…

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California—Still Dreaming and Scheming

I can now add shaking to the mix. Earth— be still. My family and I have returned to California after more than 20 years in Colorado. We returned to familiar surroundings…

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Keegan Wicks

Since 2013 Keegan has actively worked in the recovery field through roles in advocacy, counseling, and management. A person in long-term recovery since December 2009, Keegan has first-hand experience living…

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