Recovery Voices Count: Why Your Vote Matters

Recovery Voices Count: Why Your Vote Matters

Your Voice, Your Vote

As people with a vested interest in de-stigmatizing addiction and normalizing recovery, it is our collective job as voters to help political candidates understand what’s at stake for us. 

Take Action Today

The suggestions below are intended to complement formal, larger-scale efforts you may already have underway, such as voter registration projects or structured get-out-the-vote programs.

The Advocacy Toolkit has practical initiatives, tactics, and messages that you can act on right away to build presence and expand your network of recovery advocates.

All this to say: we want to be sure that our members, allies, and advocates understand who can vote and how they can do it. Participating in the electoral process is the best way to make sure our voices are heard at the policy level.

Action Resource

1. Organizing Action Clusters

Where possible, build small Recovery Action Clusters (4-6 people) who can work daily to share information, coordinate social media activities, and plan new initiatives in real time.

Additionally, each member of this Cluster can work to expand the network, building more such groups in a matter of days. Make assignments to each person within the Cluster, e.g:

  • Morning news scan and summarize for Cluster
  • Talking to recovery friends about creating video stories
  • Writing sample tweets
  • Asking five friends if they are registered
  • Etc.

2. Regional Action Hubs

In a similar vein, recovery centered organizations around the country should be encouraged to create regional action hubs which share organizing tips, tactical plans, social media ideas, and recovery data.

3. Identify Recovery Allies

Expanding your network is vital. Each member of your Cluster should identify five people you know who are aware of your role in the recovery world but who themselves are not part of it. Reach out to them periodically over the next seven weeks. Remind them that recovery from substance use disorders benefits the entire community.

Action Step

1. Daily News Scan

It is critical to review national, state, and local news early each morning. The websites of candidates who are important to you must be reviewed daily as well. What you learn – and then share – will often provide news hooks that will give you excellent opportunities to communicate recovery messages.

2. Build Graphics and Photo Libraries

It is important to create a resource base of multiple images now. A diverse set of graphics and photos will enable you to move swiftly and tailor your efforts on social media and provide your advocates with a range of image options. This effort also gives you an opportunity to activate recovery colleagues, who might have access to interesting images and are eager to share them.

  • “Recovery” is a difficult concept to capture in an image! Ask friends for 2-3 photos of friends/family members in recovery, with smiling faces, and where possible, indications of recovery – next to a book, holding a pamphlet, under a “Run for Recovery” banner, etc.
  • Take your own photos to meet your advocacy purposes – groups discussing plans, handmade recovery signs, friends filling out mail-in ballots, etc.
  • Scan the numerous free digital photo sites – e.g., Freerange Stock, The Open Photo Project, A comprehensive list of free digital art and graphics can be found at

3. Key Dates Card

As soon as possible, every state should develop a simple “Key Dates” card that identifies all the deadlines for:

  • Mail-in ballot applications
  • Mail-in voting
  • Absentee ballots (where different)
  • Early voting dates

While you may not be able to distribute the cards as you normally would, they should be featured on your website and be regularly distributed through social media. Each card should include your state election board’s website.

For key dates in your state, visit and

4. Weekly Top Policy Issue

Each week, establish one of the many recovery-related issues as the topic/theme you will advocate for throughout that week. Make sure you consider state and local issues too. National topics might include:

  • Federal funding for Recovery and Family Support programs
  • Equitable Insurance Coverage
  • Increased access to non-opioid medications

When considering state and local issues, make sure you encompass all the issues that touch on addiction and recovery:

  • Inclusion of underserved populations
  • State health budgets
  • Family caregiver programs
  • Criminal Justice reform
  • Mental health parity

5. Recovery and My Community

Urge members of your RCO to write short vignettes about the positive impact their recovery has on their communities. When individuals describe the good things that happen now because they are in recovery – Little League coaches, church deacons, environmental cleanup leaders – versus the difficulties they may have faced in addiction, they demonstrate that recovery counts for all of us.

6. Petition for Priority

Create and circulate a petition for every candidate urging them to make recovery issues a top priority in their next term in office. Asking for members’ signatures and prompting them to circulate the petition themselves creates tangible goals and a sense of momentum.

7. Presidential and Other Debates

These moments provide outstanding opportunities to raise recovery issues in the larger community.

  • Create a short, side-by-side factual comparison of candidates’ records
    and positions.
  • Comment on candidates’ Twitter and FB pages leading up to debate.
  • Post on debate host’s social media urging them to ask candidates about addiction and recovery.
  • Issue a statement to the press after the debate evaluating candidates’ views.
  • Be active the day after the debate with a variety of social media posts.

Don’t forget to emphasize state and local election debates as well, and use a debate as a hook several days before the debate date, and the days afterward
as well.

8. Recovery Voices Counting

Build on the “Recovery Voices Count” theme by doing comparative counting, e.g.: “There are 54 days until the election. Did you know there are more than 23 million Americans in recovery? We are counting … because Recovery Voices Count.”

Other data that could be used might include:

  • X days until the election – Y thousands of overdose deaths this year
  • X days until the election – Y thousands of people on treatment waiting lists
  • X days until the election – Y billions in health care savings through effective treatment and recovery

Communications Tactic

1. Twitter and Facebook

Most important, these on-line platforms should be employed frequently. Especially in an election cycle, attention spans are fleeting, and you should plan on communicating your messages on a near-daily basis. Diversifying your messages and using images is also very important.

2. Social Media Connections

To truly make recovery voices count, we must connect with as many related voices as possible. That means taking time to respond to and share social media content from sources ranging from mental health to racial equity.

In an election season, it’s critical to connect with the entire community. Given our country’s legacy of oppression and marginalization specifically around the right to vote, it is important to reach out to all facets of the community. Follow them on Twitter. Post to their sites. Share their information. Cross-post between platforms.

It’s critical to remember the wide range of diverse advocates you can connect with, and these groups are usually simple to find via a google search, but some simple examples of local chapter groups and communities are:

  • Voto Latino
  • M4BL (Movement for Black Lives)
  • Fairfight
  • Local BIPOC groups
  • LGBTQ+ groups
  • Youth organizations
  • Nurses groups
  • Science and research groups
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Education advocates

3. Video

Build on the “Recovery Voices Count” theme by doing comparative counting, e.g.: “There are 54 days until the election. Did you know there are more than 23 million Americans in recovery? We are counting … because Recovery Voices Count.”

Other data that could be used might include:

  • X days until the election – Y thousands of overdose deaths this year
  • X days until the election – Y thousands of people on treatment waiting lists
  • X days until the election – Y billions in health care savings through effective treatment and recovery

4. Call-In Radio

Most media markets have at least one news-talk radio program that features listener call-ins. Take advantage of them. Research your stations and their procedures for call-ins, start listening, and pick up the phone! And remember, the topic doesn’t have to be recovery – if the host is talking about Election 2020, then Recovery Voices Count!

5. Media Relations

It will be difficult to get political reporters to focus on recovery issues in such a turbulent election cycle, but there are two specific steps you can take that may be productive: one, create a basic Fact Sheet for the media that identifies all the pressing recovery issues in your state and community, and two, when news breaks about addiction spikes, treatment successes, etc., share this information with your local political reporters and point them to the advocacy work you are doing. [See: Your Choices, Our Lives: A Quick Guide to Fair and Accurate Coverage of Addiction & Mental Illness]