Over 23 Million Americans Are In Recovery From Addiction — America Honors Recovery Is The Preeminent Awards Ceremony Highlighting The Accomplishments Of The Most Influential Addiction Recovery Advocates
WASHINGTON, D.C.—June 25, 2013— Former NBA basketball sensation and national recovery advocate, Chris Herren, will be given the Voice of Recovery Award at Faces & Voices of Recovery’s annual awards reception, America Honors Recovery. Herren first went public with his recovery story in the memoir Basketball Junkie, and Emmy nominated ESPN Films documentary Unguarded, of which he is the featured subject. He has since traveled the country to speak to over 500,000 young people about his recovery and the dangers of substance use.
Long-term recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs is a reality for over 23 million Americans, but remains one of our nation’s best-kept secrets. America Honors Recovery recognizes those individuals and organizations who work tirelessly to end the discrimination facing people with addiction.
“We have the exciting opportunity to come together and celebrate the solution to addiction – recovery – and highlight the importance of speaking out on behalf of those who still suffer from our most pressing public health problem,” said Dona Dmitrovic, Faces & Voices of Recovery Board Chair.
The June 25th ceremony will take place at the Carnegie Institute for Science in Washington, D.C. from 6:00-8:00 P.M. William Cope Moyers, best-selling author of Broken and Now What will be on hand as the master of ceremonies.
In addition to Chris Herren, the Northern Ohio Recovery Association will be awarded the Joel Hernandez Award, which honors an organization that works diligently on behalf of the recovery community. The Vernon Johnson Award honors three individuals who have devoted their lives to recovery: Denise Holden, RASE Project; Allen McQuarrie, Bucks County Chapter of PRO-ACT; and Kathleen Gibson, Oxford House World Services will be recognized with this prestigious award in 2014. A. Thomas McLellan, Ph.D. will be awarded the Lisa Mojer-Torres Award for his leadership and dedication to improving the quality of care that individuals and families suffering from addiction are able to access.
Each of these extraordinary organizations and individuals’ works tenaciously to promote the reality of recovery from addiction and to make it possible for others to get the help they need. They are leading the charge on a burgeoning movement that embraces recovery as a civil right.
This year Faces & Voices of Recovery is thrilled to announce Natural High, a nationally recognized nonprofit, as our Presenting Partner for this exciting event, whose work for the last 20 years has been dedicated to empowering millions of youth across the country to say yes to a natural high, and no to drugs and alcohol.
“Natural High is excited to join Faces & Voices of Recovery as the Presenting Partner of the America Honors Recovery Awards ceremony,” said Michelle Ahearne, Executive Director of Natural High. “This is truly a unique opportunity to bridge the prevention and recovery communities as we face the challenge of addiction together.”
About “Faces & Voices of Recovery”
Faces & Voices of Recovery is dedicated to organizing and mobilizing the over 23 million Americans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, our families, friends and allies into recovery community organizations and networks, to promote the right and resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery. For more information about event please visit: https://facesandvoicesofrecovery.org.
About Natural High
Natural High is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization empowering youth to discover, amplify and pursue their natural high, giving them a reason to say no to drugs and alcohol. In collaboration with over 50 influential celebrity ambassadors, Natural High empowers youth in classrooms via their inspirational video series and research based curriculum which is provided free-of-charge to educators across the U.S.; online via Naturalhigh.org, and social media; and in the community via contests & nationwide events like Vans Warped Tour. They currently work with more than 17,000 educators and reach 7 million youth every year. For more information visit http://www.naturalhigh.org.