Washington, DC
ARCO (Association of Recovery Community Organizations), is the leading membership organization for recovery community organizations dedicated to promoting and supporting recovery from substance use disorder, announced its transformation into the Alliance for Recovery Centered Organizations during Faces & Voices’ annual Recovery Leadership Summit in June.
The decision to rebrand as the Alliance for Recovery Centered Organizations highlights the evolving needs of the recovery community, represents the increasing importance of collective action toward positive change, and reflects the collaborative efforts between Faces & Voices of Recovery and its members. This change will allow the Alliance to grow and create a bigger tent for diversified organizations and the people and communities they serve. This move will usher in advocates for policies and funding to develop and strengthen organizations led and governed by People with Lived Experience (PWLE) and their intersectional recovery and cultural identity needs.
ARCO, now known as the Alliance for Recovery Centered Organizations or the Alliance, will continue its long-running tradition of serving as a hub to exchange best practices, access training and technical assistance, and build relationships with other people invested in recovery. The newly formed Alliance will further empower recovery centered organizations to advance the collective goal of long-term recovery and wellness for all individuals affected by addiction.
“We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for the Alliance,” said Hannah Lowry, “by fostering collaboration and unifying our efforts, we can revolutionize the way recovery is perceived and supported in our communities. Together, we will create a brighter, more equitable future for all individuals, families, and communities seeking lasting recovery.”
To learn more about the Alliance for Recovery Centered Organizations (ARCO) and its initiatives, please visit https://facesandvoicesofrecovery.org/services/arco/
About Faces & Voices of Recovery
Faces & Voices of Recovery is a national non-profit organization dedicated to organizing and mobilizing the over 23 million Americans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, our families, friends, and allies into recovery community organizations and networks, to promote the right and resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery.
For more information, visit facesandvoicesofrecovery.org
Emily Porcelli, Marketing and Communications Manager
Faces & Voices of Recovery