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National Standards for Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs)

RCOs increase the visibility and influence of the recovery community and engage in activities that fall under one or more of the three core activities of policy and advocacy activities,…

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NRI Newsletter – February 2021

  February 2021 Digital Newsletter I’m a Supervisor! Now what… Peer Supervision Training Did you wake up one day and become a supervisor or coordinator? Often in small nonprofits, employees…

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Recovery Innovations: The Well-Fed Social Supermarket

I recently discovered a UK-based project that I found so exciting that I solicited the below blog to share with my readers. To me, the Well-Fed Social Supermarket signals a…

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Mechanisms of Change in Addiction Recovery Revisited

In an earlier blog posted in 2017, I offered some preliminary observations on mechanisms of change in recovery and the variation in such mechanisms across pathways of recovery, stages of recovery,…

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Tony Vera

Tony Vera, Information Technology Specialist, has worked in technology since 2003. Having started his career path through the job training provided by the Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School as a communications…

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CAPRSS Newsletter – February 2021

February 2021 Digital Newsletter Welcome Revive Recovery! Revive Recovery is a non-profit, peer recovery support center. Our mission is to open doors and open minds for the recoverees in our community while…

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NRI Newsletter – January 2021

January 2021 Digital Newsletter Good things in 2021! Have you seen what we got?? Check out our updated training page.  The list of trainings Faces & Voices of Recovery has…

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Virtual Shift

2020 was a challenging time. It may have looked different. We may have had less hugs and more virtual high-fives, but we were still able to accomplish amazing things. This…

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RDP Newsletter – January 2021

January 2021 Digital Newsletter New Year = New Training Documents As the Recovery Data Platform evolves we must find the best possible way to deliver those changes to you, as…

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NRI Newsletter – December 2020

December 2020 Digital Newsletter Getting ready for 2021?! We got you covered! We are here for you in 2021 for all your training and technical assistance needs.  What is technical…

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