ARCO – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does it mean to be a certified recovery community organization?

Certified recovery community organizations apply for certification and if accepted into the process, submit documentation, undergo a virtual tour, and a rigorous peer review. Organizations that are certified have demonstrated a commitment to the RCO National Standards and sound governing practices.

What are the costs associated with general membership in the Alliance?

Annual ARCO membership dues are determined by the organization’s fiscal budget for the current year. ARCO annual membership dues levels are shown below.

  • For organizations with a fiscal budget of < $50,000, annual ARCO membership dues are $250.
  • For organizations with a fiscal budget of $50,000 – $149,999, annual ARCO membership dues are $550.
  • For organizations with a fiscal budget of $150,000 – $499,999, annual ARCO membership dues are $850.
  • For organizations with a fiscal budget of > $500,000, annual ARCO membership dues are $1,400.

Can international organizations be members of the Alliance? What about certification?

We welcome international organizations to join the Alliance! At this time, we are unable to certify international organizations. We hope to in the future.

Can I still be a member of the Alliance if I’m not an RCO?

Yes! The Alliance of Recovery Centered Organizations (ARCO) is open to organizations based upon the following criteria:

  • The organization engages in activities that fall under one or more of the three core activities of policy and advocacy activities, recovery-focused community education and outreach programs, and peer recovery support services (PRSS).
  • The organization’s mission and vision include a primary focus on recovery wellness or steps toward positive change.
  • The organization is inclusive and celebrates all people with lived experience (PWLE), diverse pathways of recovery and wellness, and works to eradicate the stigma surrounding SUD and recovery.

Membership in the Alliance of Recovery Centered Organizations should not be considered as certification as an RCO. Certification is a distinct and separate process from Alliance membership. At this time, Faces & Voices of Recovery is not accepting new applications for certification.

What other membership and partnership opportunities do you offer?

Please visit our memberships and partnerships page located here.