Recovery Data Platform (RDP)

Make your recovery reporting more accurate, immediate, and easy. Our Recovery Data Platform (RDP) offers improved service management tools and, most importantly, accurate data.

Accurate outcomes data, anytime.

Whether you’re reporting to an outside agency or for internal reviews, our cloud-based RDP platform will deliver quick, accurate data, along with a menu of tools and assessments needed to effectively implement peer recovery support services and coaching programs. With its robust reporting and scheduling tools, RDP provides your organization with better outcomes data, service management tools, and the improved performance you’ve been working for.

Recovery Data Platform Highlights

  • Cloud-based access anytime, anywhere
  • Measure Recovery Capital on the fly
  • Assess wellness with a swipe
  • Complete a detailed interview from your PC, tablet or phone
  • Track, manage, and analyze recovery data easily from anywhere
  • Report-building tools make reporting to outside agencies simple
  • Required, accurate data is available at all times


RDP gathers and focuses on the power of quantitative and qualitative data stories. This recovery data is analyzed to identify specific vital signs and hallmarks of recovery on a systemic, regional, and national scale. The reports provide valuable insight and analytics required for funding and growth.

“Accurate, valid measurement of the impact of recovery services is central to its continuous improvement.”
John Kelly, Professor of Psychiatry in Addiction Medicine at Harvard Medical School


Customer Base

  • Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs)
  • Treatment Environments
  • Triage Locations
  • Wellness/Recovery
  • Community Centers
  • State Agencies

The Power of Recovery Data Stories

Recovery changes people. Data tells the story.

While many of us have observed the power of personal recovery stories first-hand, it is difficult to translate them into tangible results for recovery community organizations which may not be as familiar with recovery as we are. Many funding and partnership opportunities hinge on the ability to demonstrate command of recovery analytics and metrics. RDP makes this process possible, transparent, and simple to utilize.

Recovery Vital Signs (RVS)

Recovery Vital Signs (RVS) are tools native to the Recovery Data Platform that offer organizations insight into the recovery of program participants. These vital signs include evidence-based assessment tools that aid in constructing a qualitative recovery story for each participant.

Submit a Support Ticket

If you need help with access to the Recovery Data Platform, or have a request or question, fill out this form.

We are here to support our RDP family with any request. If you have access issues, a general request, or any questions, click on the Support Request link to fill out a brief form. A Recovery Data Platform (RDP) specialist will assist you as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.

Schedule a Demo

Schedule a demonstration of our Recovery Data Platform here.