Recovery Stories

Ryan Johnson

I’m Ryan J, Im a Recovering Alcoholic/Addict.

Born and raised in Minnesota. Raised by both Father and Mother and having a younger sister. In the suburbs of the Twin Cities. My childhood was a loving, secure and supportive family. No disfunction to speak of. Supportive and given freedoms that a typical child should have. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Saturday cartoons. Riding BMX in neighborhood with friends to be home when thqe street lights came on. Both parents worked to provide for us. There were wants, of course! But NEEDS were meet. Education was of priority and encouraged.

My Addiction started to show up in High School. With the Friday night partying. Innocent enough. This continued and progression to college. True weekend warrior style. This is when my alcohol addiction started causing trouble, disruption and legal consequences. Dropping out of college after 3 years. Due to lack of focus, bad grades, and really wasting time and resources. Plus, the addiction. Shortly after this was a first DWI. Then after that was a recommendation for treatment. A 30 day out patient program. That I completed to satisfy the courts and for no other reason. Fast forward to a broken up mistake of a marriage to an addict. She recently has died of a fentanyl overdose. Six DWI’s, 10 plus treatments later. Add in depression, resentment, shame, guilt, embarrassment, loss of friends, relationships (romantic and family), trucks, homes, money in the 100’s of thousands, self confidence and self respect. Rock bottom was hit. This would be the bedrock and foundation for my growth.

I self admitted into Transformation House In Anoka, MN, right on the Mississippi River. It’s a dual diagnosis treatment program. This was different than all the other programs I had completed in the past. This program focuses on the addiction but introduced a new approach to me. Focus on mental health and thoughts and feelings and why they are important for recovery. This was a breakthrough! Because I was used to traditional methods of recovery being 30 days your cured!

Congratulations you graduate! Now, go get a Sponser and go to meetings.

The structure and staff truly made a difference for me in sustaining life saving recovery. All the counselors are compassionate, fair and hold you accountable. The programs are flexible and my recovery plan was custom for me. One of the homework packets (So Much Homework!) I asked for was on Spirituality packet. This was what was a game changer for me. I learned the process of FORGIVENESS. This is where I found what they describe in the Big Book ‘As having a Spiritual Awakening’. I learned to process and practice forgiveness with myself and with others. A burden had been lifted that I didn’t know I was carrying around with me. I have since forgiven myself and others. This has strengthened relationships with family. More importantly forgiving myself has increased my self esteem, confidence and worth. I now can say I love myself. The depression, self loathing, resentment and isolation is gone. I have a new sense of purpose in my life. Now I have the confidence, motivation and drive to look forward to the future (one day at a time of course!) So much that now I feel it is my duty and obligation to give back to the program and community and be an advocate for sobriety and the sober lifestyle. This is often the case when a person fully understands and embodies their new and improved sober life. It’s now part of my core values and in line with the Universe. It feels right. I’ll forever have gratitude towards the staff and Transformation House.

I was asked to help develop an Alumni/Recovery Hub at Transformation House as part of the expansion of programs. I jumped at the opportunity and am excited and honored to be a part of something bigger than me. I have taken accountability for a Sunday PM meeting I’m calling A+. The ‘A’ meaning Addiction, the ‘+’ for ANY addiction, Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Food all are welcome. The A+ meetings will be enhanced recovery. Creating a connection between what addicts segment in their lives. The recovery life and the ‘real world life’ bring it holistic. A health realization approach. Our weekly topics include habits and routine development, reframing mindset, thoughts/feelings/actions and leadership.

Here is our Recovery Hub Mission Statement.

Creating a community of significance and belonging. Providing services and resources in an inclusive recovery environment for any and all seeking growth mindset to continue to make a difference in their lives and others. By collaborating with others consistently expanding thought, action and goals. This is the way.

We’re all really excited to make this available to current clients, Alumni and soon to the public. Offering AA, NA, Wellbriety meetings. A Sunday A+ for Enhanced Life Skills. Plus Yoga classes. Our Grand opening kicks off March 1st of ’24!

To follow my recovery journey I have made my YouTube channel Advocating Recovery based content. Here’s the link: