2019 Ramstad/Kennedy Award Nomination

National Recovery Month Planning Partners
Due Friday, April 26, 2019
Ramstad/Kennedy Annual Award
FOR Outstanding Leadership
BY a Single State Authority

The first annual Ramstad/Kennedy Award was presented in 2008 during a National Recovery Month reception at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) State Systems Development Program (SSDP) conference. During this past year, the 200+ Planning Partners have been working to re-focus our national efforts on expanding Prevention, Treatment and Recovery support for the millions of Americans still suffering from addiction and their countless hurting family members who are also struggling to recover from addiction’s impact on them. The 2018 National Recovery Month theme was Join the Voices of Recovery: invest in health, home, purpose, and community.

Background: The Planning Partners have witnessed with appreciation as the SSAs have increased their critical role in supporting and promoting recovery and Recovery Month activities, materials and awareness in their states and within their agencies. The Planning Partners (200+ organizations and agencies) have also watched with appreciation the extraordinary and long-time efforts and passionate leadership of the Honorable Jim Ramstad (R-MN-ret) and the Honorable Patrick Kennedy (D-RI-ret) in the development, understanding and promotion of public policies to bring equity to care for people with substance use disorders and their family members.

The Ramstad/Kennedy Award was established in 2008 to recognize an SSA Director who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in support of recovery and Recovery Month and to acknowledge Congressmen Ramstad and Kennedy for their commitment to recovery and recovery-oriented policies. The Award will be presented at the 2019 NASADAD annual meeting, which is being held June 4-6 in Bethesda MD.

To nominate an SSA director, please refer to the criteria below, and complete and return the application form on the next page by 11:59 pm (EST), April 26, 2019.

Thank you!

To download the form, click here.

Criteria: Single State Agency Director who has:

1. Provided outstanding leadership and innovation in promoting the goals of National Recovery Month during 2018, including support of the 2018 theme: Invest in Health, Home, Purpose and Community.

2. Strengthened and expanded Recovery Month activities within their agency and throughout other state agencies.

3. Provided support to strengthen and expand Recovery Month activities that supported individual and family recovery throughout their state.

4. Expanded the number and impact of National Recovery Month activities in their local communities.

To download the form, click here.

Thank you for your interest and support of National Recovery Month.

Nominations due by 11:59 pm on April 26, 2019. Send electronically to SSARMAward@nacoa.org or by fax to NACoA at 301-468-0987.

A Legacy of Outstanding Service

* 2008 – Michael Botticelli, Massachusetts

* 2009 – Karen Carpenter-Palumbo, New York

* 2010 – Carol Falkowski, Minnesota

* 2011 – Barbara Cimaglio, Vermont

* 2012 – Craig Stenning, Rhode Island

* 2013 – Flo Stein, North Carolina

* 2014 – Mark Stringer, Missouri

* 2015 – Gary Tennis, Pennsylvania

* 2016 – Kathy Stone, Iowa

* 2017 – Cassandra Price, Georgia

* 2018 – Arlene Gonzalez-Sanchez, New York